Download Game Thinkly APK

Version: 1.1.55

Download: 500

APK Check: 2019-09-18 09:36:27

Category: SOCIAL

PPrice: Free

Operating System: 4.1


Thinkly is your tool to do what you have always wanted to - shape global perspectives by responding to the world around you. Thinkly is a safe space to express, exchange and evolve your opinions and ideas.

Goodbye trolls!
Welcome to Thinkly’s “Priv(ate)-(Pub)lic” space. We give the power of managed privacy back to you without limiting your ability to speak to the wider world with our “privlic” setting.

What is Thinkly?
Thinkly is a platform for you to share original perspectives and opinions about what’s happening around you via interest led mini-blogs of no more than 500 words.

Who is listening?
The whole world of like-minded folks interested in the topic you are posting about - minus the trolls you want to keep out. You can also invite those you want to hear from to respond to your Thinkly post. Yes, even if they aren’t on Thinkly yet!

Goodbye Trolling!
Share without fear - Thinkly's Privlic (Private-Public) mode gives you the power to choose who views or responds to your perspectives

Respond with a Thinkly!
Read a Thinkly about artificial intelligence that makes you want to share your perspective on the same topic? Or see an article or video online about current affairs that you have a strong opinion about? Just use the ‘Respond with a Thinkly’ feature to express yourself. We will tag the original Thinkly post, article or video, to drive consensus without losing the original context!

Go beyond sharing perspectives
Thinkly allows you to follow interesting and inspiring people from around the world. Take your thinking forward through continued conversations via our Inbox feature.

Thinkly is about you. Your love for expression. Got some feedback or ideas for improvement? Ping us at Or better still, share a Thinkly! We are listening.


File Size: 12M

PTitle: Thinkly 1.1.55 APK


APK Size: 12273004

Title: Thinkly
